Kasotsuka Shojo- Japan’s All-Girl Music Band Promoting Cryptocurrencies

Japan has been at the forefront of the crypto ecosystem since China stepped aside. The country’s support for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies knows no bounds and the bitcoin craze has entered the Japanese entertainment industry with the new all-girl music band named Kasotsuka Shojo, whose music is primarily about cryptocurrencies.

The Virtual Currency Girls

Kasotsuka Shojo is the name of japan’s new all-girl music group, which translates to the Virtual Currency Girls. The Group consists of 8 girls, and each girl stands for a Cryptocurrency.

Kasotsuka Shojo was launched by Japanese entertainment company, Cinderella Academy, which is also in charge of several favorite Japanese music groups.  Cinderella Entertainment has said that the primary aim of creating the Kasotsuka Shojo music band is to enlighten the public about cryptocurrencies.

Every member of the Virtual currency girl band represents bitcoin or altcoins like Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, XEM, Cardano, Mona and so on and they can all be recognized from their distinctive costumes, which has now become a trend in Japan’s  anime and cosplay environment.

As per  Agence France Presse (AFP),  Kasotsuka Shojo’s group head, 18-year old Rara Naruse Who represents Bitcoin Cash recently said in an online statement that:

“We want to promote the idea through entertainment that virtual currencies are not just a tool for speculation but are a wonderful technology that will shape the future.”

In their first song titled “The Moon and Virtual currencies and Me,” they warned about fraudulent cryptocurrency-based schemes and the need for crypto users to properly secure their coins.

For their upcoming concert in Tokyo today, cryptocurrencies are the only accepted means of payment.

Japan is one of Bitcoin’s heavyweights. The Asian country decreed that Bitcoin is a legal tender  since 2017. According to an economic analysis by Nomura, the fast rise in the Bitcoin price in 2017 is expected to boost Japan’s GDP growth by at least 0.3%.

At the time of writing this, cryptocurrencies are experiencing a bloodbath, with the bitcoin price which hit $20,000 in December 2017 currently sitting at the $13k price area, as recorded on Coinmarketcap.

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