Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC Development

Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC Development

Over the past two months, the Bitcoin Cash network has been trucking along and currently holds the fourth largest cryptocurrency market capitalization. Recently covered the project’s current Emergency Difficulty Adjustment (EDA) and the discussions concerning the future of the network’s difficulty change. This week we spoke with the lead developer of the Bitcoin ABC client, Amaury Séchet, and discussed his vision of the Bitcoin Cash protocol and thoughts on the EDA solution.

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Bitcoin ABC Development: ‘Upholding Values and Achieving the Mission’

Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC DevelopmentAt the time of writing the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network has processed 17233 blocks since the hard fork on August 1st. The decentralized currency currently captures the fourth highest market cap, and has been hovering just above $300 per BCH over the past week. Mining profitability has varied over the past few weeks, as miners have been bouncing back and forth between BTC and BCH. Presently, it is more profitable to mine the BCH chain as the network’s EDA has dropped the difficulty to only 4 percent of the legacy chain’s difficulty. However, the BCH community and developers believe the EDA needs to be fixed as it sometimes causes slower block intervals and really fast blocks too, depending on miners shuffling between two chains. recently covered the EDA debate and solutions brought to the table from Bitcoin ABC developer Amaury Séchet (Deadalnix), and others. Séchet has revealed his idea for a difficulty change, and the solution is being tested and reviewed.

Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC Development
Daily Bitcoin Cash Network Profitability on October 13, 2017.

Further, in the midst of all the bickering between Core supporters and Segwit2x supporters, Séchet recently published an editorial called “Bitcoin ABC: Our Values and Vision” on the Yours network. In that post, Séchet details that the success of Bitcoin Cash and the ABC client  depends on the collaborative efforts of people. Séchet says the team has a vision of billions of people using bitcoin and says “we will help make it happen.” Additionally, in order to accomplish success, the team needs focus, clear and personable communication, and a great attitude explains the developer.

“These values are a yardstick to determine if someone is a good fit for the ABC organization,” explains Séchet. “We’ll do our best to uphold these values, and we hope to attract the right people to the project who share our vision and want to help us achieve our mission.”

Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC Development

‘The [Bitcoin Cash] Network Works Great, With the Exception of the EDA’

This week chatted with Séchet about his thoughts on the current state of the BCH network, the EDA, and his learning experience over the past two months. As far as the state of the Bitcoin Cash network is concerned, Séchet explains, “the situation is uncertain and everything will be much clearer after the Segwit2x fork, if it happens.”

The [Bitcoin Cash] network works great, with the exception of the EDA, which is in the process of being fixed. There is no simple fix for the EDA — We need to roll out a new difficulty adjustment algorithm. Hopefully, in the altcoin space this problem has been extensively researched, so there we can reuse ideas coming from there.

Compatibility With Other Teams Working on the BCH Chain and Not Focusing on the Motives of Other Projects

Developer Amaury Séchet Discusses the Values of Bitcoin ABC Development
Bitcoin ABC lead developer, Amaury Séchet (Deadalnix).

We then asked Séchet about other development teams like Bitcoin Classic, and Unlimited who are also participating in developing the BCH chain and infrastructure.   

“It is important to have several implementations and several teams to avoid the kind of takeover that happened with bitcoin — It is also important for technical reasons, as the risks that they all share show a common bug can be reduced,” Séchet explains in a Slack channel.  

Séchet is extremely focused on the Bitcoin ABC development and the Bitcoin Cash network, and doesn’t seem to pay much attention to the current battle between Core and Segwit2x developers. asked Séchet why he thinks Core developers are unwilling to compromise on a 2MB block size upgrade this November.  

“I don’t think there is much value in speculating their motives,” says Séchet. “Different groups of people want different things — If things are irreconcilable, then a split is for the best.”

Finding Himself in a Position of Leadership

As Séchet states in his recent Yours article, as bitcoin cash currency was born out the chaos of the scaling debate, over the past two months he’s learned a lot and still has more to learn.

“I could go on for long, but I’m an engineer,” Séchet concludes. “I have experience designing systems and finding solutions to technical problems.”

I have found myself in a position of leadership now. This is not something I’ve especially looked towards or have significant experience with, so I got to learn.

What do you think about Amaury Séchet’s vision and opinions? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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