Augmenting Marketing Channels onto the Blockchain Provides an Immersive, Creative Experience for Users

AR will happen…and it will happen in a big way, and we will wonder when it does, how we ever lived without it. Like we wonder how we lived without our phone today.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

It started with Pokémon Go, and now its legacy continues on with cryptocurrency and blockchain tech. Augmented reality is the current trend when it comes to new mobile gaming experiences. With the emergence of advanced computing, powerful mobile technology, and the release of new development kits, augmented reality has begun to take shape across the digital space, leading to widescale adoption.

Augmented reality, or AR, refers to a view of the physical, real-world environment whose elements are supplemented, or augmented, with computer-generated images and sound by means of an electronic device. The introduction of such technologies has created new, innovative ways for people across the globe to interact and connect with one another, as well as with their devices.

In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain tech, AR has started to disrupt the space, as investments in the AR and VR markets have risen to a record $3 billion since 2017. It wasn’t until the summer of 2016 that the AR phenomenon began, when the Pokémon Go app propelled itself all the way to the top of every mobile app store, with more than 750 million downloads, a year after its release.

However, the AR adoption curve has been hard to straighten out, as there has been a lack of engaging content, working hardware, incentives, and most of all, affordability. Even Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, has acknowledged that AR will take a while because of the technological challenges present in the space. By introducing blockchains and cryptocurrencies into the equation, the AR/VR space could significantly evolve into a more interactive and engaging experience.

When people hear about blockchain technology for the first time, there is understandably some hesitation, doubt, and/or confusion—but intimidation should not be present. By removing the intimidation factor and adding some education into the mix, the average person may find that the blockchain space is much more entertaining and creative than it appeared.

There’s A Lack of ‘Engagement Marketing’

When it comes to AR and blockchain technology, there is somewhat of a disconnect, individually and collectively. Why is that?

First, users don’t yet fully understand either space. There is a lack of education and opportunities that allow consumers to really have a ‘hands-on’ understanding of what seems like a complex concept. Anyone can read a whitepaper or a summary of an idea, but it’s an entirely different conversation when you give the consumer the opportunity to see, touch, and feel these ideas.

Secondly, there is no incentive for consumers to actually go out of their way to use these tools. Finally, the lack of a digital ecosystem consisting of companies, influencers, brands, and customers makes it almost impossible to establish what could be a harmonious connection between two very powerful spaces.

What Is The FluffAR Ecosystem?

FluffAR, or Fluff, is one platform that is looking to create such an ecosystem, focusing on how to draw consumers, brands, companies, and influencers into the system and have them all work together. Their strategy is the ‘play and get paid’ scenario—whereby users are rewarded with cryptocurrency by actually using the platform and educating themselves each day on how AR and blockchains work. You can’t fully understand a concept until you take part in it, right?

“You have to focus on the experience first and foremost,” says Da Phakousonh, the co-founder of FluffAR. That’s why Pokémon Go was such a success—it allowed users to immerse themselves and actually go out into the real world, move around, and play. Unlike similar platforms which operate on the Ethereum blockchain, Fluff operates on the NEM (XEM) blockchain. NEM is more than just a new cryptocurrency or an altcoin, but a powerful “smart asset system” that contains a specialized set of tested and secure on-blockchain features. NEM utilizes secure cryptography to store important data, identifiable information, and even government documents. In other words, it’s a highly accessible system that any business, government, or individual can use to reduce their operational costs and streamline their traditional processes.

FluffAR builds off that, identifying three types of markers, or ways in which influencers can grow, build, and develop their brands.

  • Image markers consist of brand logos, pictures, and artwork which a user may choose to hover over or click on. Upon viewing an image marker, the user is rewarded with one or more tokens.
  • Markless markers are location-based markers triggered by a place of business’s GPS location. Like Pokémon Go, where certain gyms or Pokémon are located at particular GPS locations, FluffAR users are able to hover over a store located at a specific address and be rewarded with one or more tokens.
  • Beacon markers pinpoint the location of a specific product or item in a store, guiding a user to that particular item. Upon reaching the item, the user is rewarded with one or more tokens.

Education By Incentivization

You can detect a pattern here: education by incentivization. “I believe AR has the potential to bring mass adoption for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology,” says Phakousonh. Like many others have explained before, that’s the only way this space will grow. Otherwise, doubt, confusion, and intimidation will linger on. Be the one behind the controller, directing which way you want to go—onward and upward, or behind and out of the game.