Salesforce Develops New Content Management System

Salesforce Develops New Content Management System

In what seems to be an innovation, customer relationship management solutions company Salesforce has built its content management system. Reports indicate that the content management system was developed in-house rather than purchased by the company. The general concept is that organizations can be able to get content across to their clients using this system which is fully integrated with Salesforce’s family of products.

According to claims by Salesforce, little or no technical knowledge is required for the usage of the content management system. Everyday users should be able to work with the system and deliver content across multiple platforms without the need for technical support teams. Anna Rosenman, who is Salesforce’s VP of product marketing for Community Cloud, Commerce Cloud, and Salesforce CMS, said:

“Our customers have been asking for a dedicated CMS. The systems that they’ve been relying on so far tend to be legacy tools that are hard to use and built for a single-channel or site,”

With the new content management system, personalization of content is possible by the users of the system based on data collected from other products within the Salesforce ecosystem and still connect to other third-party systems as well.

“A hybrid CMS provides a native experience channel or touchpoint, but also gives you the flexibility to present content to any touchpoint built on a third-party system,” explained Rosenman.

This, of course, extends the ability of the content management system beyond those of other competing systems. According to Tony Byrne, founder, and principal analyst at Real Story Group, this isn’t the first time that Salesforce is playing in the content management sandbox. The previous version was referred to as Salesforce sites. Byrne indicated this by saying:

“They made big promises around that platform, got some major customers on board and then dropped it,”

Of course, the crux for salesforce or any other content management system builder is deployment at various levels and in different use-case scenarios.

“It’s easy to build a simple CMS. It’s much harder to build an extensible, enterprise platform,” he said, adding that “there’s a lot of work they still need to do to feed other platforms around things like connectors, simulation, tracking, very advanced asset management (e.g., compound assets), object-oriented storage, etc.”

According to Rosenman, the new system has is suited for the kind of adaptability that is normally required. The great thing about this system is that it was built in-house rather than acquired and integrated into Salesforces’ product offerings which is the company’s usual practice. The $15 billion purchase of Tableau and the $1.35 billion acquisition of ClickSoftware this year is a case-in-point that proves this practice.

Salesforce Develops New Content Management System