Nearly 7,000 Bitcoin ATMs are in Operation Today

TheMerkle Cryptocurrency ATMs Altcoins

The growth of the Bitcoin ATM industry often goes by without much fanfare. Even so, with nearly 7,000 of these machines in circulation globally, things are looking very good. 

Making cryptocurrencies more accessible can be done in many different ways.

The Future Looks Bright for Bitcoin ATMs

A Bitcoin ATM is a good solution for those with cash in their pocket.

Various manufacturers and operators compete for traction on a  global scale.

This ongoing “battle” results in nearly 7,000 Bitcoin ATMs currently active around the world.

Last year, there was a lot of growth throughout all of 2019.

It appears that this trend will continue, at least during the early stages of 2020.

Last month alone, over 400 new Bitcoin ATMs were installed globally.

As the value of cryptocurrencies increases, the demand for crypto assets also increases.

Smart people will avoid centralized exchanges and trading platforms altogether.

Using Bitcoin ATMs is often more expensive, yet the customer will be in direct control of their funds.

That is always a favorable approach compared to relying on third-party service providers.

As far as manufacturers are concerned, Genesis Coin continues to dominate the landscape.

General Bytes and Coinsource are also crucial players in this space.

Slowly but surely, bigger networks of Bitcoin ATMs are being created all over the world. 


The post Nearly 7,000 Bitcoin ATMs are in Operation Today appeared first on The Merkle Hash.