Over 30 US States are Dealing With Novel Coronavirus Patients

The Merkle Novel Coronavirus US States

The novel coronavirus continues to dominate media headlines all over the world. In the US, over 30 states are now confirmed as dealing with infections.

More and more Americans are being exposed to the novel coronavirus.

More Coronavirus Patients Across US States

As a result, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has risen sharply this week.

A total of 32 states are treating patients who currently show symptoms of this virus.

It seems likely to assume that this situation will continue to worsen, given what happened in other regions.

Making matters worse is the docking of the Grand Princess cruise ship in Oakland.

That vessel carries at least 21 people with the novel coronavirus.

It is expected that this ship will dock in Oakland come Monday.

Making matters worse is how only a portion of the 3,533 passengers on board have been tested for COVID-19.

Why authorities agreed to let the ship dock in Oakland during such a crucial time, remains unclear.

It seems likely to assume that everyone getting off the boat will be tested thoroughly before being sent either home or to quarantine.

Speaking of quarantine, roughly 1,000 California residents will go into mandatory quarantine at a federally operated isolation facility.

Whereas this pandemic was initially considered to be a new strain of the flu, that mindset is no longer viable today.

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