How Kidgy parental control app helps caregivers create a positive portfolio for their kids on the web

Parental controls help parents create a positive digital portfolio for their kids’ future success

Do you want your kid to have excellent academic achievements? Things turn out that their digital presence on the Internet matters for the admission committee and potential recruiters. Moreover, it all starts with a sort of cyber hygiene which leads to creating a positive digital persona on the web.

What is cyber hygiene?

It is a set of basic rules a kid should follow to be safe online. When a child starts using the web, parents should talk about it and set up some rules and even restrictions. The basic ones are:

–    Do not expose personal data (name, surname, address, email, phone number, etc.)

–    Tell parents if somebody’s insisting on meeting in person

–    Do not post provocative material (photos with half-naked body parts)

–    Do not bully

–    Ask for permission when downloading or uploading something

–    Etc.

The parent’s work is not done yet. They need to monitor if their kids follow those rules and supervise if nothing threatens their safety and sanity. This is where the parental control app Kidgy comes in handy. It helps parents monitor their kids’ online activity as well as adjust it effectively. This approach allows creating a favorable digital portfolio for future academic achievements.

What is a good digital portfolio?

It is a persona with literally flawless reputation on the web. This means that a teen while using social media creates a positive impression of themselves. They do not post inappropriate content, bully or leave offensive comments. Moreover, since lots of online platforms ask to sign up via social media accounts, the comments or any text they leave there might also be visible to the online audience. Their opinions might be insightful and speak volume about themselves.

Cyberbullying is another problem that ruins kids’ reputation. Kids create fake Instagram accounts (“finstas”) to bully and ruin the reputation of their peers. For example, a kid sets up a finsta in the name of another one to destroy their reputation or to discredit them within the group of friends. The person behind that account posts inappropriate comments and private messages to peers they go to school with. Sometimes they even expose the other’s personal data. The e-safety commissioner says they get lots of reports containing threats of violence and even incentives to suicide. The thing is that a thrilling number of reports come from kids under the age of 13. These facts prove the necessity of a parental control app in parents’ everyday life.

Child sexting is another online activity which undermines kids’ reputation.

A kid involved the other day in sexting has fewer chances to be enrolled at the university or have a good career beginning. The program Outcome 21criminalizes teens involved in sexting. It allows the police to record the sexting crime and its participants. They won’t be able to pass standard criminal checks due to unfavorable police lifetime records.

Have you heard about Tinder? There’s a new one for teens – the Yubo app. E-safety experts say it is a work field for online predators. Dr. Jodi Gold, psychiatrist and director of The Gold Center for Mind, Health and Wellness, says it’s sexy and funny, and a place for hook-ups. Sexy? Hook-ups? This app is definitely worth parents’ attention and supervision on the kid’s phone.

To prevent risky online activities, using Kidgy parental control app is a must. It helps parents:

–    Manage their kid’s online life. They can look through sites and block adult ones. Sites like, for example, spreads cyberbullying. Therefore, blocking it makes sense in order to prevent an unhealthy online behavior.

–    Monitor apps installed on the phone. Tinder, for example, has an app. While the manufacturer claims they have a restricted policy for underage users, they cannot verify it for sure. Blocking this kind of apps is also reasonable.

–    Monitor calls and text messages. When an online predator hits a kid on social media, they lure them to meet in person. Their communication proceeds to calls and texts. So, this feature can be helpful as well.

There are also additional features Kidgy provides, such as the GPS location tracker, Geo-fencing, Panic Button, Daily Schedule Planner.

The GPs location tracking systematically updates parents on their kid’s current placement. So if your kid is used to wandering after school, this feature might be useful.

Geo-fencing allows you to set up no-go areas on the virtual map. In case your kid passed forbidden ones, you get notifications. You can step in when necessary.

The Panic Button encourages your kid to inform you about the potential trouble. Kids just click it and you get informed about their exact whereabouts.

The Daily Schedule allows you to track how your kid is doing their homework or daily home routines. In a nutshell, these additional features complete the batch of monitoring opportunities parents can use to protect their kid online and offline.

To sum up, parental controls like Kidgy is a reliable solution for parents who want their kid’s digital presence to contribute to their future academic and career development.

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