Cream Finance Website Compromised, Hackers Requesting Seed Phrases

DeFi protocol Cream Finance is experiencing its second hack of 2021. This time, attackers have targeted the website’s DNS and are using it to request users’ private keys and seed phrases.

Cream Finance Compromised

According to the team, Cream’s smart contracts are fine, but hackers have taken control of the website. They’re now using this control to request users seed phrases and empty the account of those who fall in the trap.

Ever since launching in July 2020, Cream has been an important part of the DeFi ecosystem. Their cooperation with Yearn Finance on the Iron Bank project has been a much-discussed project in the space.

This is not the first hacking problem faced by Cream. No more than a month ago, the protocol was exploited through Alpha Finance, netting $37.5 million to the hackers.

Disclaimer: The author held ETH and several other cryptocurrencies at the time of writing.