What Is RTVR and Why Should You Buy It?

The crypto industry is gaining ground across the globe. Secure payments, smart contracts, and the upward trend in currency prices make it a profitable proposition for most people. But let’s keep profit aside for a moment. There’s more to cryptocurrency than being a lucrative investment. Many crypto projects are geared toward certain advocacy.

For instance, there’s a cryptocurrency that aims to increase awareness about dog and animal cruelty. Do you know about any rescue groups that work tirelessly to stop dog cruelty and rescue animals in danger? It’s fantastic to own a dog and post cute photos online, but if you widen your perspective, you will feel the pain of so many dogs that don’t get the love they deserve.

Wouldn’t it be an excellent idea if there was a way to connect dog rescue work with the crypto industry? That’s where the Golden Retriever Crypto Group plays such a crucial role. The Golden RTVR Crypto is not just another cryptocurrency where you can invest to make profits; it genuinely believes in dog rescue services and makes more people aware of animal cruelty.

The Tokenomics behind Golden RTVR Crypto

Golden RTVR Crypto aims to make the world a better place by putting an end to animal cruelty. Its high Tokenomics has a wonderful plan to achieve this goal. First of all, 6% of all the transactions go to Golders. Imagine the millions worth of investment in the Golden RTVR Crypto, and a chunk of it goes towards the dog and animal welfare.

Apart from saving a significant amount for dog welfare, Golden RTVR Crypto also sets aside 6% of its funds for its liquidity pool. This allows the currency to provide enough profits to investors even when the market is not doing well.

Most investors want to know whether the cryptocurrency they are investing in is safe or not. Golden RTVR Crypto is one of the safest currencies available right now. DXsale audits each contract that passes through its payment gateway. Therefore, it is SAFU.

The advantage of investing in RTVR is it saves 6% of all the transactions for RTVR holders. This means you have a guarantee to get significant returns later. The currency allows you to earn RTVR by holding the currency in your wallet.

How to buy RTVR?

RTVR wants to build a community of people who are willing to invest in a cryptocurrency that will help towards increasing the safety of animals. This isn’t any other currency that makes money with every deal. Instead, it focuses on making a difference against animal cruelty. The developers are also in touch with various organizations to collaborate with them and make this initiative global.

Remember, Golden RTVR Crypto isn’t a charity. It is not a marketing wallet either. This isn’t like some of the other cryptocurrencies that have team tokens. But it is one of the safest currencies, thanks to the DXsale audits. You can grab your RTVR once it goes live. It is best to register with your details so that you are one of the first ones to receive the pre-sale link on the currency’s Telegram group and Twitter handle.