Bitcoin Mining Difficulty at All Time Low Since January 2020

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty at All Time Low Since January 2020

Mining a Bitcoin keeps on getting more facile, with yet another plunge in the mining difficulty index. Over the weekend, Bitcoin has seen a 4.81% drop, with a revision to 13.67 trillion.

According to, the fresh update on the difficulty accommodation materialized at block 691,488, diminishing from 14.4Tr to 13.7Tr. This position is the bottommost level in 18months. Since its newest high in May, the difficulty has dropped to nearly half of the recent peak.

The mining difficulty of Bitcoin specifies the complications involved while finding the correct hash for each block. The measurement unit signifies the complexity of solving a cryptographic puzzle or code. When a miner solves a puzzle, it completes a block. This operation curates a new bitcoin, updating the digital ledger by recording the transaction on the blockchain. As the number of miners mining for the cryptocurrency increases or decreases, so does the difficulty.

Greater the mining difficulty, more computing power is required to run the codes and mine coins. Bitcoin is designed to adapt to retain a target block time of ten minutes, therefore, its adjustment or tuning of mining difficulty happens every 2,016 blocks, or on average for every half a month.

Since China’s organized clampdown on Bitcoin miners in May, this decrease is the 4th successive fall in the mining difficulty. It has only been once in 2011 when BTC’s mining difficulty dropped four times in a row. Consequently, the 24-hour mining results have risen to 0.00000931 bitcoin for every terahashes per second of computing power.

As the center for bitcoin miners, a previous estimate stipulated that about 65% of the world’s mining happened there. With more than half of the world’s Bitcoin miners plunging into darkness due to China’s clampdown, the algorithm has accommodated accordingly. A lower difficulty lets miner prolificacy remain intact. The adjustment will ensure more money for the online miners.

Darin Feinstein, the founder of Blockcap, which is one of the largest mining operations in North America, elaborates on the historic shutdown of operations in China. According to him, almost 50% of the network has been influenced in a specific geographic region, making it a first in BTC’s history.

China’s local miners have commenced relocating to foreign lands like Russia, Kazakhstan, and North America.

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty at All Time Low Since January 2020
