Mercedes-Benz Joins Forces with Microsoft on In-Car ChatGPT

Mercedes-Benz Joins Forces with Microsoft on In-Car ChatGPT

It is no longer news that AI is eating into every aspect of the market, including the vehicle manufacturing industry, as Mercedes-Benz partners with Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) to test in-car ChatGPT. Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft announced on Thursday that the ChatGPT AI would be available to over 900,000 vehicles in the US. 

A spokesperson of the luxury automaker noted that the integration of the technology is its first implementation in an automobile. Also, Mercedes-Benz revealed that the in-car ChatGPT would be used for audio requests via its “Hey Mercedes” voice assistant. The company expects the new addition to help the system’s capabilities grow exponentially. 

Mercedes-Benz Collaborates with Microsoft to Test ChatGPT in Vehicles

Furthermore, US users are the first group to access the ChatGPT in vehicles, following the partnership between Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft. The automaker noted that an optional beta program for US customers would kickstart this Friday. To enroll, customers must go through “Mercedes me”, which is the company’s mobile app. An alternative way is via the voice command saying, “Hey Mercedes, I want to join the beta program.”

Mercedes-Benz has already set a standard in the industry via its voice control before its new relationship with Microsoft on ChatGPT. Its customers receive updates on the weather and sports while they receive answers to questions about their environments. Hence, the integration with the new AI tool complements its existing voice control through “Hey Mercedes”. In a press release, Mercedes referred to ChatGPT’s ability to improve natural language understanding which helps it to provide comprehensive answers on various topics.  The announcement reads:

“Mercedes-Benz combines the best of both worlds, enhancing the validated data of the MBUX Voice Assistant with the more natural dialogue format of ChatGPT. Users will experience a voice assistant that not only accepts natural voice commands but can also conduct conversations. Soon, participants who ask the Voice Assistant for details about their destination, to suggest a new dinner recipe, or to answer a complex question, will receive a more comprehensive answer – while keeping their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.”

In addition, Mercedes-Benz assured that the company remains in control of its IT processes in the background. Its Intelligent Cloud stores all voice command data anonymously, which is where it is analyzed. Hence, data privacy is certain. 

The Chief Technology Officer, Development & Procurement, Markus Schäfer, spoke on the collaboration with Microsoft regarding ChatGPT. He referred to the development as a milestone for the company. The CTO added that the beta program improves the existing voice control functions. In conclusion, Schäfer said the target is to redefine customers’ relationships with the brand. 

Mercedes-Benz Joins Forces with Microsoft on In-Car ChatGPT