After Disappearing from Google Chrome Web Store for Several Hours, MetaMask is Back

MetaMask, a popular Google Chrome plugin for interacting with the Ethereum network, is back to the Google Chrome Web Store, several hours after disappearing from there.

MetaMask is an innovative plugin that allows its users to run Ethereum dApps right in their browser without running a full Ethereum node. On June 25th, MetaMask announced on its Twitter that it was removed from the Google Chrome web store. There was no word from either the MetaMask team or Google to explain the case.

Other MetaMask-compatible browsers which remained unaffected include Brave, Firefox, and Opera.

In another tweet, MetaMask stated that those having the extension installed should be able to use it in the short term, but new installs would be unavailable for some time. The extension can be used as a secure wallet, allowing users to manage multiple wallets through its easy-to-use system.

Further, MetaMask gave some brief directions to help users in transition to the Brave browser which provides more  privacy for its users than traditional web browsers.

The MetaMask has thousands of users, that’s why the announcement was quickly met with confusion and outrage aimed at Google Chrome. One Twitter user gained support in the form of tweet likes by saying that “it is time for revolution.” Many users believe that the announcement is a move taken against a cryptocurrency-related piece of software in a bid to beat down the crypto industry.

Another user was not so critical of Google:

While MetaMask was delisted, an Ethereum-based prediction market protocol Augur, which recently got under fire for speculating on death benefits, warned users to not download the MetaMask extension that was actually present in Google Chrome’s store, as it was a fake application.

A few hours later, MetaMask announced it was back on the Chrome Web Store. But it is still unclear what were the reasons for the sudden lack of Chrome support for the MetaMask plugin.

The post After Disappearing from Google Chrome Web Store for Several Hours, MetaMask is Back appeared first on CoinSpeaker.