ICO BergmannOS 24/7 Control and Total Automatization of the Mining Devices Work

bergmann ico

Bergmann Team has developed a new Linux-based OS for mining BergmannOS, that enables full control over the rigs and automatization of the cryptocurrency mining. Since December 11, 2017 during the entire period of ICO BergmannOS the participants will have access to a shippable beta version of the software complex for miners.

Already in the beta version of BergmannOS miners will be able to estimate the benefits of the main functions of the system. Users are guaranteed 24/7 real time control of the devices, auto and manual tuning of the units, autotuning of video cards (after first update), warning messages in the event of failures, reports on unites’ work, marketing quotation of crypto currencies and news from crypto world. User-friendly interface makes the usage of the system easier.

BergmannOS is a part of developing Bergmann ecosystem that unites separate instruments for the efficient work in cryptosphere. In the nearest future users will have access to a range of different programs for miners inclusive of the trade bot. Within BergmannOS a global update under the code-name Zypher is going to bring great benefits to the users of the system — an access to the Smart Mining option. The auto-mining of the most profitable currencies will be produced according to the results of the inner analyses of the data of each currency, its exchange and trade interaction, the state of the markets as a whole and other data.

Purchasing BERG tokens during the ICO users will be able to try benefits of BergmannOS even before the release of software complex for miners.

Bergmann Project

Bergmann Team has formulated the mission according to which developes its control system and other projects. The mission of Bergmann is developing the ecosystem that unites all elements of blockchain industry. Bergmann Team is committed to its goal of creating software and hardware complexes for users and businesses in the cryptosphere.  

You can find out more information from our ICO website: https://ico.bergmannos.com

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