ViMarket VR Platform Offering Exciting Bonuses for Backers in TGE

Attracting investors’ attentions is getting tougher with ICOs these days as the former become more and more difficult to convince to get their check book out for every new coin ICO in the market. This year alone, hundreds of new ICOs and coins have been launched, mostly because of the ease of launching new tokens due to the introduction of the Ethereum ERC20 token. ICOs, even the most promising ones realize that they need to offer more to potential investors and let at least some of them have a share of the giant investment pie that they’re having!

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We have basic incentives like discounts, potential sales on their new marketplaces and promise of being taken into confidence in the future development. ViMarket, a new VR platform based on blockchain has announced an exciting bonus for its upcoming Token Generation event (TGE). They are promising to ship VR hardware to early backers as long as their stock lasts. As part of this amazing offer, they are giving away VRs starting from the entry level cloud package VR-EZ” mobile clip-on viewers to the Pro-level VR stuff like Vizor headset, 3D tablets that go without glasses and even a chance to get eligibility for the testing of the next generation “Av1ator” headset that is offering groundbreaking PC-based VR technology that is better and more futuristic than Oculus itself.

According to Mr. Prudence McNellis, Lead Marketing at ViMarket:

“We believe that ViMarket customers who experience the excitement of being “Visionaries”; able to build accurate, photorealistic virtual scenes that represent their both their real and desired lives will want to experience their creations in VR therefore this is a fitting promotion for both the holidays and our upcoming Token sale”

The hardware they are offering will not only be offered directly through mail, they can also be picked off from multiple locations around the world including blockchain expo in Silicon Valley. You just need to show your receipt of the new ViTokens and you can find out whether you are eligible for a new VR. Currently, they are also available at a sizeable discount and the discount will continue till January 7, 2018 so there is still enough time for you to buy some and claim the free VR tech.

ViMarket is a 3D marketplace that is primarily focused on becoming a decentralized marketplace for everything VR. They are currently in partnership with flightDeck VR and all of these hardware items are being sponsored through it. VR is going to be a big part of our futures as the boundaries of the field are being expanded every minute.

Vimarket TGE

The pre-sale of ViTokens (VIT) will begin on January 8, 2018. It was due to take place in November but was postponed. There will be a soft-cap of 50,000,000 ViTokens sought with early backers recieving up to a whopping 75% discount for early purchases. For more information, visit the website.
Visit the ViMarket Website: